Disclaimer & Terms and Conditions

Disclaimer | Pristine Comics website:

Welcome to Pristine Comics! By accessing and using our website, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer. Please read this information carefully before proceeding.

  1. Content Accuracy: Pristine Comics strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information on our website. However, we cannot guarantee the completeness, reliability, or accuracy of the content presented. The information provided is for general purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. We reserve the right to make changes to the content without notice.
  2. Intellectual Property: All content on the Pristine Comics website, including but not limited to text, images, graphics, logos, trademarks, and multimedia, is the intellectual property of Pristine Comics or its licensors. It is protected by applicable copyright, trademark, and intellectual property laws. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of the content is strictly prohibited.

  3. Third-Party Links: Our website may contain links to third-party websites, products, or services. These links are provided for your convenience, and Pristine Comics does not endorse or assume responsibility for the content, accuracy, or practices of these third-party sites. Visiting such linked websites is at your own risk, and we recommend reviewing their terms of use and privacy policies.

  4. User-Generated Content: Pristine Comics may offer interactive features that allow users to submit content, such as comments, reviews, or artwork. While we encourage engagement, we are not responsible for the accuracy, legality, or appropriateness of user-generated content. Users are solely responsible for their contributions, and by submitting content, you grant Pristine Comics a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, modify, and display the content.

  5. Disclaimer of Warranties: Pristine Comics makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding the website's performance, availability, or suitability for specific purposes. We do not guarantee that the website will be error-free, secure, or free from viruses or other harmful components. You agree to use the website at your own risk.

  6. Limitation of Liability: Pristine Comics and its affiliates shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of your use or inability to use the website or any content provided herein. This includes but is not limited to losses, damages, or expenses related to business interruption, data loss, or any other financial or personal loss.

  7. Indemnification: By using the Pristine Comics website, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Pristine Comics and its employees, agents, partners, and affiliates from any claims, demands, liabilities, or expenses, including legal fees, arising from your use of the website or violation of this disclaimer.

  8. Changes to Disclaimer: Pristine Comics reserves the right to modify or update this disclaimer at any time without prior notice. The changes will be effective as soon as they are posted on the website. Continued use of the website after any modifications constitutes your acceptance of the updated disclaimer.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer, please contact us at info@pristinecomics.com

Thank you for visiting Pristine Comics! Enjoy your time exploring our content and services.

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